Ashly’s TRA-Series expands on the SRA’s concept of “the
right amp for the job.” As with the SRA-Series, these 2RU
amplifiers utilize our state of the art technology and
advanced engineering to produce highly efficient amplifiers
that are convection cooled, so there’s little maintenance after
the installation and no annoying fan noise. The main differ-
ence between SRA and TRA is that the TRA-Series amplifiers
move level controls to the back, give you expanded meter-
ing, and provide low impedance and transformer coupled 70V
and 100V outputs simultaneously (output transformers are
internally mounted).
TRA-Series amplifiers incorporate a switch-mode-power
supply and Class-D amplifier circuitry, providing an extremely
power-efficient solution. The TRA-Series amplifiers include
four models available in two- and four-channel configurations,
with power ratings of 75W and 150W per channel @ 4 ohms,
70V and 100V.
Features include:
• Convection cooling
• Extremely low noise
• Switchable 120V/240V power supply (internal)
• Extensive protection circuitry
• Front panel:
• Signal level L.E.D.’s on each channel include –24,
-18, -12, -6, -3 and clip alert
• Rear panel:
• Level attenuators for each channel
• Euroblock inputs
• Screw terminal outputs
• Switches to select between two choices of input
sensitivity and HPF frequencies on each channel
• Remote power turn-on/off and adjustable turn-on
delay up to eight seconds.
TRA-Series Amplifiers