Operating Manual - ne24.24M Matrix Processor
Since there are no user controls on the ne24.24M, the only way to load presets is by using Protea NE Software to
recall files saved on either the PC or the ne24.24M. The exception to this is through the use of contact closures or the
Ashly WR-5 wall-mounted remote control. Contact closures can load presets 1-8 from the ne24.24M memory using
switches wired to the rear panel contact closure connector block (see sec. 5.4).
Note: A preset recall event will overwrite any unsaved changes, so be sure the current configuration is saved
before continuing or it will be lost. The ne24.24M always loads the last settings on power-up, so as to preserve any
changes should the power be inadvertently turned off prior to saving a preset.
Caution: A new preset may have dramatically different settings capable of damaging sound system components,
so be careful not to recall the wrong preset while the system is on.
9.2 Copying Settings to Another Input Or Output
To quickly transfer all settings from one input or output to another input or output channel within the same unit,
right click on the channel number and choose from the available options to copy, paste, or link with another channel.
9.3 Security
There are multiple user/multiple levels of protection assignable to the ne24.24M within the software <Security>
pull down menu, from full access to view only, with User ID and Passwords assigned for each available unit. The
ne24.24M security data is stored within the unit, not Protea NE Software. Passwords are case sensitive. Be sure to
write down the password and store in a convenient place for future reference. If the password is forgotten, a password
reset can be done by pressing and holding the factory reset switch for two seconds during power up. Note: Holding the
reset switch for a full 10 seconds during power up will perform a full factory reset, changing all presets to the factory
9.4 Program Upgrade
The ne24.24M Matrix Processor is capable of field flash reprogramming through Ashly Audio’s Protea NE Soft-
ware. Look under <Device Options> for further details.
Ashly makes three remote control options for the Protea ne24.24M. All of them are designed to be installed in a
standard wall mount electrical box using a standard cover plate. The WR-1 and WR-2 are passive controls which can
adjust volume or select presets respectively, while the WR-5 (replaces WR-3 and WR-4) is an active control with user
defined function buttons and LED display.
10.1 WR-1 Volume Control
The WR-1 is an assignable, dual potentiometer remote
volume control for the ne24.24M. Each volume control is con-
nected to a terminal block on the WR-1 circuit board, which in
turn must be wired to the ne24.24M back panel euroblock con-
nector labeled "0 - 5 Volt Remote Level Control". Do not
connect the WR-1 remote level control ground to any other
external grounds.
By connecting a volume control to a specific pin (1-8),
that pin can be selected in software under <Options - Define
Remote Level Controls> to control the level of any combina-
tion of inputs or outputs. It is possible to simultaneously se-
lect the same input or output channel to multiple remote level
control pins. Note, however, that the resulting attenuation on
that channel is cumulative, meaning that channel’s gain is set
by combining the value of all remote level controls mapped to
that channel.
Wall Remote Assembly
(WR-1 Shown)