
Operating Manual - XR1001, XR2001, and XR4001 Electronic Crossovers
8.1 No Output
Check AC power - are LED indicators on? Check
in/out connections, are they reversed? Are you
sure you have input signal?
8.2 Peak light flashes frequently
The level is too high somewhere in the cross-
over. Try turning down individual output levels
and then the input until the peak LED stays off.
If the peak LED continues to flash when all of
the crossover level controls are turned down, then
the crossover is being fed excessively high lev-
els from a previous piece of equipment. Turn
down your driving source!
8.3 Distorted sound
Is the peak light flashing? If it is, an overload is
occurring within the crossover, and may also be
occurring in other parts of the system. If the peak
light is not flashing, the distortion is occurring
somewhere outside the crossover.
8.4 Excessive hum or noise
Hum will usually be caused by a “ground loop”
between components. Try using the suggested
balanced input and output hookups if the other
pieces of equipment used in conjunction with your
crossover have balanced inputs and outputs.
Noise can be caused by insufficient drive signal.
Ashly crossovers provide the best noise and head-
room performance when the input signal is 0 to
+4dBu level and power amplifier sensitivity is
higher than 1 volt. Unshielded cables, improperly
wired connections, and cable with broken strands
(shorts, etc.) are the most common problems.
Please properly maintain and inspect your wiring
If you still need help, get in touch with your Ashly
dealer or call Ashly direct - (800) 828-6308. In
New York State dial (716) 872-0010.