Rear camera
This built-in 8-megapixel camera allows you take high-denition pictures
or record high denition videos using your Tablet PC.
Camera LED ash
Use the LED ash when taking pictures or recording videos in a low-light
You can set the LED ash to any of these settings:
Setting Description
AUTO The system automatically uses the LED ash when taking
pictures depending on the lighting condition.
ON The system uses the LED ash constantly when taking
pictures in any lighting condition.
TORCH The system uses the LED ash as a constant lighting xture or
torch when taking photos or recording videos.
OFF The system disables the LED ash.
Power button
Press the power button to turn your Tablet PC on, put it to sleep or
hibernate and wake it up from sleep or hibernate mode.
Press and hold the power button for about eight (8) seconds to force shut
down your Tablet PC when it becomes unresponsive.
Battery charge indicator
This two-color LED, located on the power button, provides the
following visual indications of the battery’s charge status:
Color Status
White Fully charged.
Orange Charging mode.
Dim The AC adapter is not plugged to the Tablet PC.