In addition to entering text, you can use your keyboard to navigate
your tablet’s features:
• Use the arrow keys to select items on screen.
• Pressing Return when an item is selected is equivalent to
touching that item.
• Pressing Escape is equivalent to touching Back.
• Press Tab or Shift-Tab to move from eld to eld in a form or
other screen with multiple text elds.
When you connect a mouse to your tablet and move the mouse,
an arrow-shaped cursor appears, just as on a computer:
• Use the mouse to move the cursor.
• Clicking, pressing, and dragging with the mouse button is
equivalent to touching, touching & holding, and dragging with
your nger.
• Only one mouse button is supported.
• If your mouse has a trackball or scroll wheel, you can use it to
scroll both vertically and horizontally.
Other input devices
You can connect joysticks, gamepads, and other input devices
to your tablet. If they work without special drivers or adapters on
your PC, they will likely work with your tablet. However, games