Change TalkBack settings
To modify TalkBack settings, go to Settings > Accessibility > Talk-
Back, then double-tap Settings in the top right corner.
When to speak
• Speech volume. You can set this as a percentage of media
• Use pitch changes. Check to speak keyboard feedback at a
lower pitch.
• Speak when screen is off. Check to turn on spoken feedback
when the screen is off.
Feedback settings
• Sound feedback. Check to control navigation sounds.
• Sound volume. Available when Sound feedback is checked.
You can set this as a percentage of media volume.
Touch exploration
• Launch “Explore by touch” tutorial.
• Manage shortcut gestures. Allows you to assign the opera-
tions that different gestures trigger.
Control speed of Text-to-Speech
To control the speed of TalkBack’s speech, go to Settings > Ac-
cessibility > Text-to-speech output > Speech rate.
Manage TalkBack volume
To change the volume settings for TalkBack, go to Settings >
Sound > Volumes. Use the slider for Music, video, games, & other
media to change the volume level.