Figure 2 - Horizontal and Vertical position
Note: Inspect before each use for evidence of fluid leaks,
damaged hydraulic fittings, bent or broken attachments
and missing parts.
1. Locate and close release valve by turning it clock-
wise until firmly closed. (Do not over tighten)
2. Operate by pumping handle. This will send fluid from
the pump reservoir into the high pressure hose as-
sembly and into the ram assembly.
3. Continue pumping until ram reaches desired position.
Note: Pump may be used in horizontal and vertical posi-
tion as illustrated (See figure. 2).
To Release Pressure on work piece:
Slowly, carefully turn the release valve counter-clock-
wise until ram retracts to desired position. Never turn
release valve more than 1/2 full turn. The ram return
system is spring loaded and the release valve system is
metered, allowing controlled retraction of the ram.
Important: Use only a good grade hydraulic jack oil.
Avoid mixing different types of fluid and Never use brake
fluid, turbine oil, transmission fluid, motor oil or glycerin.
Improper fluid can cause premature failure of the ram
and the potential for sudden and immediate loss of load.
We recommend Mobil DTE 13M or equivalent.
Adding oil
1. With ram fully lowered, set pump unit in its normal,
level position. Locate and remove oil filler screw (see
Figure 1).
2. Fill until oil is within 3/8" of the oil filler screw hole
opening, re-install oil filler screw.
Changing oil
For best performance and increased system life, replace
the complete fluid supply at least once per year.
1. With ram fully lowered, remove the oil filler screw from
the pump reservoir as above.
2. Lay the pump on its side and drain the fluid into a
suitable container.
Note: Dispose of hydraulic fluid in accordance with local
3. Set pump in its level upright position.
4. Fill with good quality jack oil to within 3/8" of the oil
filler screw hole opening. Reinstall oil filler screw.
Read and understand all instructions and warnings pro-
vided with and on this product before use.
1. Ensure that attachments are fully engaged before ap-
plying load.
2. Ensure that load is centrally applied to attachment or
ram saddle. Do not load off center.
3. Always monitor the force applied to workpiece by us-
ing a load cell and indicator or you may monitor pres-
sure developed in the ram by using an inline pressure
gauge, then calculate the applied force using the for-
mula: F = P X A, where F = lbs force, P = pressure in
PSI, and A = effective ram area in in².
Ram Area of Atd-5800 is: 1.00 in²
Ram Area of Atd-5810 is: 2.41 in²
4. If bowing or bending of ram or any attachment occurs
during use, "STOP", release pressure immediately
and reconsider application. Application may not be
compatible with product, a ram kit with a higher ca-
pacity may be needed.
Read, understand, and follow all printed materials pro-
vided with and on this equipment before use. Do not
overload beyond rated capacity. Use only on hard, level
surfaces capable of sustaining the load. Do not open
oil filler screw unless ram is fully retracted. Always
wear safety glasses when using this equipment. Do
not use as a vehicle lifting device or as a vehicle sup-
port. When extension tubes and/or offset attachments
are used, the rated capacity is always reduced by
50% for each tube or attachment connected. Any
attachment that is not loaded centrally, as through
the centerline of the ram, is considered to be "offset".
See Parts Section for identification of offset attach-
ments. Failure to heed these warnings may result in
personal injury/property damage.