CN8000 User Manual
3. The CN8000 login page appears:
4. Provide a valid Username and Password (set by the CN8000
administrator), then click Login to continue.
Note: 1. If you are the administrator, and are logging in for the first time,
use the default Username: administrator; and the default
Password: password. For security purposes, we strongly
recommend you remove these and give yourself a unique
Username and Password (see User Management, page 30).
2. If you supplied an invalid login, the authentication routine will
return this message: Invalid Username or Password. Please try
again. If you see this message, log in again being careful with the
Username and Password.
5. If this is a newer CN8000 model and you are logging in for the first time
with the administrator account, an Easy Installation Wizard will appear to
help you setup the network configuration, new password, and default login
settings. If this is not the case, skip to step 11 on page 24.