Chapter 4. Browser Operation
Manual Input
Use this section to specify the eco PDU’s date and time manually.
Click the calendar icon and click the calendar entry for the date.
Key the time into the Time field, using the HH:MM:SS (hours, minutes,
seconds) format.
Note: This section is only enabled when auto adjustment (in the Network Time
section) is disabled (the checkbox is unchecked).
As an alternative to specifying the date and time by entering them into the date
and time fields, you can click to put a check in the Sync with PC checkbox, in
which case the eco PDU will take its date and time settings from the locally
connected PC.
Network Time
To have the time automatically synchronized to a network time server, do the
1. Check the Enable auto adjustment checkbox.
2. Drop down the time server list to select your preferred time server
– or –
Check the Preferred custom server IP checkbox, and key in the IP address
of the time server of your choice.
3. If you want to configure an alternate time server, check the Alternate time
server checkbox, and repeat step 2 for the alternate time server entries.
4. Key in your choice for the number of days between synchronization
Finishing Up
When you have finished making your settings on this page, click Save.
After you have saved your changes, if you want to synchronize immediately,
click Adjust Time Now.