Chapter 4. Administration
4. If you want the user to have Port Configuration permission, put a check in
the Port Config Permission checkbox. Otherwise, leave it blank.
Note: 1. Port Configuration is where the Port Numbers and Names that
appear in this dialog are set. See Port Config, page 32 for port
configuration information.
2. The term “Yes” in the Shared column means that other users have
access permission to the port.
5. If there are any ports that you do not want the user to access, remove the
check from the Enable checkbox.
6. Click Add to save your changes.
Editing an Account:
1. To Edit a user account, select the user, then click Edit. The user’s User
Information dialog box appears:
2. Make your changes in the appropriate fields and checkboxes.
3. To save your changes, click Update.
4. To exit without saving any changes, click Back.