EazyLook™ 9
Player. Most keyboard shortcuts are supported with EazyLook™, however,
use your Remote Wonder™ Plus to enjoy full remote control capability.
The following tables list all Remote Wonder™ Plus functions when used
in EazyLook™ with ATI Multimedia Center™. You will require an All-in-
Wonder® or TV Wonder™ family product to access the features listed
under the TV heading.
Remote Wonder™ Plus Functions in EAZYLOOK™ Mode
Button TV DVD
1 A. Toggle closed captions over
B. Cycle through input
C. Enable / Disable Parental
D. Cycle through audio modes
E. Cycle through recording
A. Toggle closed captions over
B. Subtitles
C. Cycle through audio tracks
D. Eject DVD disk
2 Displays TV settings and
content information
Close DVD, and then start TV
3 Close TV and start FM Display settings
4 Aspect Ratio