Protector Installation & Operation Manual
Document #9610-60-1008-04
Pinnacle Park
1031 Goodworth Drive
Apex, NC 27539
Tel: 919.772.0115
Fax: 919.772.8259
Email: info@ati-ia.com
Information contained in this document is the property of ATI Industrial Automation, Inc. (ATI) and shall
not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written approval of ATI. The information herein is
subject to change without notice. This manual is periodically revised to reflect and incorporate changes made
to the product.
The information contained herein is CONFIDENTIAL and reserved exclusively for the customers and authorized agents of ATI
Industrial Automation and may not be divulged to any third party without prior written consent from ATI. No warranty including
implied warranties is made with regard to accuracy of this document or fitness of this device for a particular application. ATI
Industrial Automation shall not be liable for any errors contained in this document or for any incidental or consequential
damages caused thereby. ATI Industrial Automation also reserves the right to make changes to this manual at any time without
prior notice.
ATI assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this document. Users’ critical evaluation of this
document is welcomed.
©Copyright by ATI Industrial Automation. All rights reserved.
How to Reach Us
Sales, Service and Information about other ATI products:
ATI Industrial Automation
1031 Goodworth Drive
Apex, NC 27539 USA
Tel: 919.772.0115
Fax: 919.772.8259
E-mail: info@ati-ia.com
Technical support and questions:
Application Engineering
Tel: 919.772.0115, Option 2, then option 2
Fax: 919.772.8259
E-mail: mech_support@ati-ia.com
CAUTION: This manual describes the function, application and safety
considerations of this product. This manual must be read and understood
before any attempt is made to install or operate the product, otherwise
damage to the product or unsafe conditions may occur.