Instruction book
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8.3 Status data menu
The status data submenu gives information regarding the status of the compressor protection
functions (shut-down, service warning and warning) and allows resetting of a shut-down and service
Starting from the Main screen (see section 8.1.2):
- Press the key "Menu" (F1), the option "Status data" will be followed by a horizontal arrow
- Press the tabulator key (5)
8.3.1 No message exists
In this case, LED (7) is out and the message on the display indicates that all conditions are normal
(Fig. 8.5):
All Conditions are OK
Menu Help
F1 F2 F3
Fig. 8.5 Example of a status data screen
8.3.2 A shut-down message exists
In case the compressor is shut down, LED (7) will blink. A shut-down message exists after an
emergency stop or after the temperature switch (TSHH20-Fig.2.8) has tripped (indicated on the
display as Aux. Equipment Overload).
In case of a shut-down due to an emergency stop, a screen similar to the one below will appear:
Emergency Stop Open
Shutdown Open
Menu *** *** Reset
F1 F2 F3
Fig. 8.6 Example of a status data screen
1. The indicators (***) are blinking. The screen shows that the compressor is shut down due to an
emergency stop. The contacts of the emergency switch are open. The setting of the shut-down is