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Purpose of This Manual
This manual provides step-by-step installation instructions and connection examples, along with basic user information for instal-
lation and ongoing use of the A275 Two-Channel Power Amplifier. This manual is written for the installer of this equipment.
The following information is contained in this manual:
Safety Information Provides a comprehensive list of safety practices and procedures allowing for the safe
installation and operation of ATON's A275 Two-Channel Power Amplifier.
A275 Introduction Provides an introduction to the A275 Two-Channel Power Amplifier, along with system
features to include Front and Rear panel controls, indicators and connections, along with
a short description of each.
A275 System Design Overview Provides a system design application overview of the A275 Two-Channel Power Amplifier
for use in audio applications.
A275 Connections Provides a description of A275 Two-Channel Power Amplifier connections including
connections made with ATON Multi-Room Systems and direct connections to the A275
Two-Channel Power Amplifier from other components.
Troubleshooting Provides troubleshooting tables to help fix common discrepancies that may
be associated with the A275 Two-Channel Power Amplifier.
Specifications Appendix A provides equipment specifications for the A275 Two-Channel Power Amplifier.
Rack Mounting Appendix B provides specifications for Rack Mounting of the A275 Two-Channel Power
Amplifier using the included rack mount brackets.