Since the apparent position of magnetic North will vary according to your location in
the world (especially Latitude), you will need to know the difference between these
two positions (Magnetic and True North) to take an accurate bearing. To calibrate
the compass for the effects of magnetic variation, proceed as follows:
NOTE: When calibrating the compass, make sure the unit is at least 2 yards away
from any source of magnetic interference.
1. From the FRS TWO WAY mode (CH and CODE displayed), press the
Function(F) button 3 times; COMPASS is momentarily displayed, followed by
the heading indication.
2. Press the right menu button; CALIB appears with OFF flashing.
3. Press the Up button (6); flashing TUN appears.
4. Place the unit on a flat non-metallic surface and rotate the unit twice, very
slowly at a constant rate, through 360 degrees, taking about 10 seconds to
complete thesuccessive circles.
5. Press the Up or Down button; CALIB appears with OFF flashing.
6. Press the Monitor (M) button to confirm compass calibration and initiate the
compass function.
To insert compensation for the effects of magnetic variation, perform the following
7. Repeat steps 1 and 2, and press the right menu button twice; VARI appears
with a flashing 0 (if no magnetic variation has been inserted).
8. Press and hold the Up button (6); variation increases quickly between 0 and
+90. If the Up button continues to be held, variation will begin to decrease
from -90 to 0 after +90 is reached. The Down button will also perform the
same function in the reverse manner.
The following table presents a list of declination angles for a number of major world
cities; insert the proper value to compensate for the effects of magnetic variation
when you are in the specified location.
Anchorage +22 Denver -4 New York -14 Seattle +19
Atlanta -4 Jerusalem +3 Orlando -5 Seoul, Korea -7
Bombay -1 London -4 Oslo -2 Shanghai -5
Boston -16 Little Rock +3 Paris -2 Toronto -11
Calgary -18 Livingston +14 Rio De Janeiro -21 Vancouver -20
Chicago -3 Munich +1 San Francisco +15 Washington DC -10
Waterbury, CT -14