The following procedure is to remove the Monitor from the Mounting
Tray using the supplied Removal Tool. NOTE: Use care when per-
forming this procedure not to scratch any exposed surfaces with the
edges of the Removal Tool. Masking tape applied to the two tips or
legs of the Removal Tool will help prevent scratching.
Monitor Removal:
1) Locate the Removal Tool and apply tape
to the tips.
2) Insert the Removal Tool into the cen-
ter of the space between the top outer
Mounting Tray and the Monitor. You
will hear click(s) when inserted cor-
rectly. This will disengage the two
pressure latches holding the monitor
in place.
3) While applying upwardly pressure, pull
the Removal Tool out and up.
4) The Monitor will pop out from the top
and can be removed by detaching the
Monitor Cable.
Removal Tool