Avalon Gas Stoes & Fireplace Inserts
Designed For Your Lifestyle
Avalon has been America’s premier builder of custom hearth products for over two decades. If you love the look and coziness of a wood
fire but do not have the time or desire to handle wood, then consider one of the beautiful gas burning appliances from Avalon™.
Avalon offers you gas fireplaces in a wide range of sizes for small, medium and large sized homes. Zone heating, in which only a por-
tion of the home is heated, is also a popular and economical way to utilize your Avalon gas appliance.
We have faithfully adapted a number of traditional and regional designs that reflect the diversity of American architecture from
yesterday and today.
Convenient Heat, Beautiful Flame
e design and craftsmanship of our products are positively stunning, and the fire is absolutely magical. All Avalon gas appliances feature
innovative and award winning gas burner technology. Without a doubt, our gas burner technology along with hand-carved logs and glowing
embers produce the most beautiful gas fire ever designed.
ere are no visible gas tubes or metal pans, just glowing embers and soft dancing flames.
All stoves, inserts and fireplaces are rated as room heaters, with extraordinary efficiency.
You can have your Avalon dealer install a thermostat to keep the room temperature where you like it, or you can install a remote
control to adjust the heat output to your own personal comfort level from the convenience of your chair.
All in all, there are no better values or finer gas products than the ones offered in this catalogue by Avalon.
Direct Vent Gas Systems
All Avalon gas appliances feature only the safest and most
efficient type of gas venting, the Direct Vent System.
e Direct Vent System draws outside air into a SEALED fire-
box for combustion, and vents the by-products of that com-
bustion to the outdoors, which helps maintain indoor air qual-
ity. is safe, sealed system is the only gas venting system we
use on all Avalon gas products.
No Power, No Problem
All Avalon gas appliances will continue to operate even if the
power goes out.
Our gas appliances produce a small amount of electricity (mil-
livolts), which continue to energize the gas valve and allow the
appliance to heat even when the power goes out in your com-
munity. So when the power goes out, stay warm with your
Avalon and have the neighbors over!
Outside Air
Room air is
heated and
back into
the room.
Direct vent systems draw in
outside air for combustion
and vent all combustion
by-products outside your
home. As a sealed system,
no gas or exhaust can
enter the home.
Cool room air is drawn into
the convection chamber.