Management zone security
Issue 4 May 2005 311
Management zone security
Management interface connection can be configured to simplify network deployments to
eliminate enterprise network dependencies on switches or routers.
The Management zone is a trusted network similar to the Private zone. Outgoing traffic is
allowed, but incoming traffic is restricted. Only traffic initiated by the security gateway is allowed.
High, medium and low security rules are the same.
All traffic is allowed to come in from the management network.
Only packets from the Management IP to the Management zone are allowed.
Converged Network Anaylyzer template
The converged network analyzer (CNA) template is a set of firewall rules that can be configured
to allow CNA traffic to travel through the network when the security gateway is setup as a
firewall device. Typically, the security gateway will not allow CNA traffic to travel through the
device, however; when the CNA template is configured and added to existing firewall rules CNA
traffic is allowed.
Table 43: Management high, medium, and low security firewall rules
Rule Name Action Source Desti-nation Servi
Zone Keep
Permit Any ManagementIP Any In Management No
InBoundManagementPermitAll Permit Any Any Any In Management Yes
Permit Manage
Any Any Out Management No
OutBoundManagementBlockAll Deny Any Any Any Out Management No