Creating Web Sites for the 4630/4630SW IP Telephone
166 4600 Series IP Telephone LAN Administrator Guide
User Interaction
As these design guidelines indicate, HTML forms work reasonably well in the Browser.
However, due to telephone limitations as an input device, keyboard input can be difficult. A
complete keyboard is made available based on the context of mouse selection. When a text
input control is on-screen, the user just clicks the input control. The keyboard appears, with the
browser thrown into a small scrolling area. The input control is roughly centered in the scrolling
area. The user can then press the software keys and the text is shown in the input control.
Simply pressing the Done button dismisses the keyboard, and the input control shows the
newly typed text. While this interaction technically works fine, it can be difficult to type a large
amount of text from a user perspective. So avoid user input unless it is absolutely necessary.
When necessary, keep user input to a minimum.
Click-to-Dial Functionality
Embedded as <a href="javascript:dial(’nnnn’)"> nnnn is passed to the Phone
application to initiate a telephone call.
<table border="0" width="100%">
<b>Call IT Technical Support:</b><br>
<a href="javascript:dial('1-555-555-5151')">
<img border="0" src="call.gif">1-555-555-5151
<b>Call Bill Pay:</b><br>
<a href="javascript:dial('1-555-555-5152')">
<img border="0" src="call.gif">1-555-555-5152