4600 Series IP Telephone Scripts and Application Files
Issue 2.2 April 2005 67
4600 Series IP Telephone Scripts and Application Files
The files necessary to operate the 4600 Series IP Telephones are available on the Avaya Web
site at: http://www.avaya.com/support
Two files on the file server are essential. Other files are needed when the Avaya IP Telephones
need an upgrade. The essential files are:
Note: The 4630 Telephones have a different upgrade process than the other
telephones. This is because the 4630 touch screen operation is significantly more
complex than any of the other Avaya IP Telephones. There are some common
elements between the 4630 and other IP telephones. Any differences are
highlighted as appropriate in this section.
● An upgrade script file, which tells the IP telephone whether the phone needs to upgrade
software. The Avaya IP Telephones attempt to read this file whenever they reset. The
upgrade script file is also used to point to the settings file. There are separate upgrade
script files for the 4630 Telephones.
● The settings file contains the option settings that enable many of the options you will need
to customize the Avaya IP Telephones for your enterprise. You can use one settings file for
all your Avaya IP Telephones.
In addition to the upgrade script and settings files you need the latest binary code used in the
Avaya IP Telephones.
The upgrade script file and settings file are available from the Avaya Web site. The files allow
you to upgrade to new software releases and new functionality without having to replace IP
telephones. These two files, plus other useful information such as a ReadMe file, information
about infrared capabilities, and a settings file template, are contained in a self-extracting
executable file you download to your file server. Application files for all current 4600 Series IP
Telephones except the 4630/4630SW, and an upgrade script file, are bundled together in that
self-extracting executable file. The self-extracting executable file comes in both zipped and
unzipped format. See Choosing the Right Application File and Upgrade Script File
on page 69
for more information.
The Avaya-provided upgrade script files, and the binaries included in the zip files, upgrade the
Avaya IP Telephones. You should not need to modify them. It is essential that all the binary files
be together on the file server. When downloading a new release onto a file server with an
existing release already on it, we recommend that you:
● Stop the file server.
● Back up all the current file server directories as applicable.
● Copy your 46xxsettings.txt file to a backup location.
● Remove all the files in the download directory. This ensures that you do not have an
inappropriate binary or configuration file on the server.