Server Administration
Customizing the 4630/4630SW IP Telephone
Stock Ticker Application Parameters:
STKSTAT 1 Optional Text string identifying whether the
phones are allowed to have the Stock
Ticker Application. "1" is the default;
"0" disables the Stock Ticker
Voice Mail Application Parameters:
VMLHOME " " (Null) Mandatory Text string containing the URL of the
home page for the Voice Mail
Web Access Application Parameters:
WEBHOME " " (Null) Mandatory Text string containing the URL of the
home page for the Web Access
WEBPROXY " " (Null) Optional Text string containing the IP address,
in dotted decimal or DNS format, of an
HTTP proxy server. This parameter is
optional if the web pages to be
accessed by the user are all on your
organization’s intranet.
WEBEXCEPT " " (Null) Optional Text string containing a list of one or
more HTTP proxy server exception
domains, separated by commas, up to
a total of 127 ASCII characters. This
parameter is optional if the web pages
to be accessed by the user are all on
your organization’s intranet. If
WEBPROXY is null, the value of this
parameter is ignored.
WEBPORT 80 Optional Text string containing the TCP port
number for the HTTP proxy server.
The default is the TCP default for
HTTP. This parameter is optional if the
web pages to be accessed by the user
are all on your organization’s intranet.
If WEBPROXY is null, the value of this
parameter is ignored.
For assistance in developing local websites tailored to the 4630 IP Telephone’s
display, see Appendix B, Creating Websites for the 4630/4630SW IP Telephone
Table 4-6. 4630/4630SW IP Telephone Customizable System Parameters
by Application—Continued
Parameter Name Default Value Status Description and Value Range