Appendix C: Creating Websites for the 4620 IP
Introduction 5
This Appendix describes the capabilities and limitations of the web browser in the 4620 IP
Telephone and provides suggestions for designing websites for viewing on the 4620. It is intended
for 4620 IP Telephone Web Browser (web page) designers, and assumes readers are somewhat
familiar with WML.
This Appendix serves the following functions:
■ Presents the portions of WML that have been implemented in the 4620 IP Telephone Web
Access application, including any limitations or non-standard implementations
■ Provides considerations for developing effective web pages to be viewed in the browser
This Appendix is not intended to provide technical details on setting up a web server, nor does it
provide information on web server technologies. Finally, this document is not intended to provide
an introduction to web browser protocols or technologies.
General Background 5
The 4620 Telephone has a 168 pixel-by-132 pixel four-gray scale LCD display. The area of the
display available for presenting a WML web page to the user is 168 pixels across by 96 pixels in
height, arranged in 6 rows each 16 pixels in height. In addition, the top row will display the web
page title (if any) and the bottom row presents up to four softkey labels at one time, each a
maximum of 6 characters, that are used for <do> tags.
The data types and other features supported in this browser include:
■ WML 1.2
■ HTTP 1.1
A chart at the end of this Appendix summarizes the more detailed information that follows.
Unsupported WML 1.2 tags will not be rendered and will not cause the browser to fail.
Unknown tags and misspelled tags will cause an error message.