Directory Options
4630/4630SW IP Telephone Options
8-14 Issue 2.0 December 2003
Setting Up or Modifying a Directory User ID and Password 8
Use this option only if your Directory requires entry of a User ID and/or
Password. Contact your System Administrator with any questions you may
have regarding whether a User ID and/or Password are required, and the
corresponding requirements for each (such as the nature and number of
characters required).
Establishing a User ID and Password protects the security of your Corporate
Directory. Once established, you are prompted to provide both the ID and
Password when you use the Corporate Directory. You determine your own ID and
Password; your System Administrator does not have access to this information.
Use the procedure below to establish your User ID and Password and to modify
either item as needed.
1. To add/modify a Directory User ID and Password, select User
ID/Password from the Directory Options screen.
The Directory User ID/Password Keyboard screen displays.
2. Touch the appropriate keyboard characters to enter the User ID, using up to
12 characters.
As you press each character, the User ID field populates. When modifying
an existing User ID, what you type overwrites the current ID.
Before proceeding with Step 3, be sure you know the Password you
want to use and that you enter it correctly. As you enter the Password,
you will not be able to see what you are typing!
3. Select Password and touch the appropriate keyboard characters
representing the password you want to assign. If you are unsure of what
you have entered, select Clear and re-type the correct password.
As you type, asterisks display in the Password field. When modifying an
existing Password, what you type overwrites the current Password.
4. To save your selection, select Save. To exit without making a change,
select Cancel.
The Directory Options and Preferences screen re-displays.