Locating a Phone Number Using the Directory
Using the Directory Application
5-6 Issue 2.0 December 2003
Resolving Search- or Directory-Related Problems 5
Search-related problems may occur due to entering improper search criteria or
when valid search criteria does not produce the desired result. For example, you
may enter an invalid name which cannot be located on the Telephone Number
database being searched, or enter a valid name which is not included in the
Because using the Directory application to locate telephone numbers involves
connection to your Corporate Directory server, directory- or network-related
problems may occur from time to time. Such problems may involve not being able
to connect to, or receive a response from, the server, or a slow response due to
server or network congestion.
When a search (or query) cannot be successfully completed, a Trouble screen
displays messages to help you determine the problem. Based on the message
displayed, you can determine whether to re-initiate the search or contact your
System Administrator for assistance.
Trouble Message Resolution 5
Most Trouble messages require the involvement of your System Administrator.
Those which are search-related require you to re-initiate your search after
verifying and/or modifying your search criteria.
If you receive either of the following messages, verify your search criteria and
re-try the query:
■ Server Timed Out - The Corporate Directory may be too big for this
search, or your network may be congested. Narrowing your search criteria
(for example, typing a full name rather than a partial name) may help.
■ (Name) Not Found - The Name you entered is not in your Corporate
Directory. Verify that you typed the Name whose number you want to locate
correctly and that it is in the format appropriate for your Corporate
Directory. Then re-initiate the search.
If you cannot resolve a Directory Trouble message yourself, contact your System
Administrator for assistance.