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This chapter contains a list of user documents for the DEFINITY Enterprise
Communications Server (ECS) Release 7. (Most of these documents are
backward compatible with, and can be used with, the DEFINITY ECS Release 6
To order these or other DEFINITY documents, contact the Lucent Technologies
Publications Center at the address and phone number on the back of the title page
of this document. A complete catalog of Business Communications Systems
(BCS) documents, including previous issues of the documents listed here, is
available on the World Wide Web. Ask your account team for the web address.
Basic DEFINITY ECS documents
These documents are issued for all new and upgrade DEFINITY ECS Release 7
The primary audience for these documents consists of customer administrators.
DEFINITY ECS Release 7 — Overview, 555-230-024, Issue 7
Provides a brief description of the features available with DEFINITY ECS R7.
This book does not provide a general overview of the switch nor of basic
telephony. This book is available in the following languages: English, German
(DE), Dutch (NL), Brazilian Portuguese (PTB), European French (FR), Latin
Spanish (SPL), Italian (IT), Russian (RU), and Japanese (JA). To order, append
the language suffix to the document number; for example, 555-230-024DE for
German. No suffix is needed for the English version.