Upgrade Firmware on Programmable Circuit Packs
Issue 10 June 2005 243
3. Press Enter to submit the schedule.
If you set the Schedule Download field to n, the download starts as soon as you submit
the schedule.
Note: If you are scheduling firmware downloads for a circuit pack that is designated as
primary/secondary sync (timing) source (for example, TN464GP/HP), this
procedure automatically redesignates a local timing source during the download.
After the download is complete and the circuit pack is returned to service, the
procedure designates the original circuit pack as the timing source.
Note: The target circuit packs are automatically removed from service while the
firmware is downloaded to them and automatically returned to service after the
download is completed. While a circuit pack is removed from service, any active
calls through that circuit pack are dropped.
Note: An error message asking you to use the command, test firmware download,
means that there was a problem with a previous firmware download. Run the test
before proceeding. Go to Testing firmware download
on page 246.
CAUTION: Unless the Remove Image File After Successful Download field is set
to y, the ftplogin and ftppassword remain on the TN799DP or TN799C (C-LAN)
and TN2501AP (VAL) circuit packs either until they are reset or until you type the
disable filesystem board UUCSS command.
4. If the download is scheduled for later, ensure that the download will run as you intend by
testing the firmware download. Go to Testing firmware download
on page 246.
Monitor download progress
Check the progress of a firmware download with the following procedure.