Issue 5 October 2007 207
Chapter 15: Routing Manager
This chapter provides an introduction to the Avaya G250/G350/G450 Routing Manager. It
includes the following sections:
● TheRouting Manager User Interface - An introduction to the Avaya G250/G350/G450
Routing Manager user interface.
● Editing Tables - An explanation of how to edit Avaya G250/G350/G450 Routing Manager
● Saving Table Information in a File - Instructions on how to save the information in a table to
a text file.
● Saving Configuration Changes - An explanation of how to apply and save configuration
changes to routers.
● Resetting a Router - Instructions on how to reset routers.
● Using Avaya G250/G350/G450 Routing Manager Help - An explanation of the options for
accessing on-line help in the Avaya G250/G350/G450 Routing Manager.
TheRouting Manager User Interface
The user interface consists of the following elements:
● Toolbar - A toolbar providing shortcuts to the main Routing Manager functions.
● Tree View - A resizeable window containing a representation of the configuration windows
of Avaya G250/G350/G450 Routing Configuration.
● Table/Form Area - A resizeable window where all tables and forms are displayed.
For information on other parts of the user interface, refer to “The User Interface” on page 19