Prepare to install firmware on the G700
Issue 9.1 June 2006 561
b. Log in as craft.
c. At the Linux prompt, type cd /var/home/ftp/pub, and press Enter.
d. The Linux prompt reappears. The current directory has changed to /var/home/ftp/pub.
e. At the Linux prompt, type cp <firmware_filename> /tftpboot, and press Enter to
copy a single firmware file to the /tftpboot directory. To copy multiple firmware files (most
firmware files have an .fdl suffix), use the command cp *.fdl /tftpboot.
f. The Linux prompt reappears. The firmware file or files have been copied to the /tftpboot
g. Repeat step 4, if necessary, for other firmware files you want to install.
h. At the Linux prompt, type cd /tftpboot.
i. The Linux prompt reappears. The current directory has changed to /tftpboot.
j. At the Linux prompt, type ls, and press Enter.
k. A list of files in the directory appears.
l. Check the directory to make sure the firmware files you want to install are listed.
Determining which firmware to install on the G700
Conduct the following procedure to compare software versions running on the G700 processors
and media modules with the versions in you planning documents. If the versions do not match,
you need to install the new firmware for those components.
To determine if new firmware for the P330 stack processor is necessary
1. At either the P330-1(super)# or P330-1(configure)# prompt, type dir.
The system displays the directory list of software for the P330 stack processor.
Directory list for P300 stack processor
2. Check the version number (ver num) of the EW_Archive file to see if it matches the Release
If not, you must upgrade the P330 stack processor.
M# file ver num file type file location file description
-- ---- ------- ---------- ------------- ----------------
1 module-config N/A Running Conf Ram Module
1 stack-config N/A Running Conf Ram Stack Configuration
1 EW_Archive 4.0.4 SW Web Image NV-Ram WEB Download
1 Booter_Image 3.2.5 SW BootImage NV-Ram Booter Image