Chapter 3 Avaya P330-ML Layer 3 CLI Commands
Avaya P330-ML Reference Guide 279
ip ospf cost
User level: privileged, supervisor.
Use the ip ospf command to configure interface metric.
Use the no ip ospf cost command to set the cost to its default. The default is 1.
The syntax for this command is:
[no] ip ospf cost <cost>
ip ospf dead-interval
User level: privileged, supervisor.
Use the ip ospf dead-interval command to configure the interval before
declaring the neighbor as dead.
Use no ospf dead-interval to set the dead-interval to its default value of 40.
The syntax for this command is:
[no] ip ospf dead-interval <seconds>
ip ospf hello-interval
User level: privileged, supervisor.
Use this command to specify the time interval between OSPF hello messages the
router sends.
Use no ip ospf hello-interval to set the hello-interval to its default.
The default is 10.
cost integer
Router-N(configure-if:marketing) # ip ospf cost 10
seconds Time in seconds (integer value)
Router-N(configure-if:marketing) # ip ospf dead-interval 15