About This Book
22 Installation and Upgrades for G700 and S8300
December 2003
See the following appendices for system specifications, forms you must complete for the installation, and
comcodes and other information that you need to order equipment:
• Appendix A, “Technical Information” contains specifications and other technical information
that you need to install an S8300 Media Server with a G700 Media Gateway.
• Appendix B, “Information Checklists” contains the pre-installation worksheets that you will need
to have filled in before you start an installation or upgrade.
• Appendix C, “Equipment List” contains the information that you need to order equipment.
• Appendix D, “Replacing the G700 Media Gateway” contains a high-level procedure for
replacing an installed G700 with a new one.
This section describes the conventions that we use in this book.
Physical dimensions
• All physical dimensions in this book are in English units followed by metric units in parentheses.
• Wire gauge measurements are in AWG followed by the diameter in millimeters in parentheses.
Avaya Communication Manager is the application that provides call control and the Avaya telephony
feature set. This application was referred to as MultiVantage Software or as Avaya Call Processing (ACP)
in previous releases. The term Multivantage is still used in some CLI commands and in the Web interface.
In most of these cases, it is synonymous with Communication Manager.
This section describes the typographical conventions for commands, keys, user input, system output, and
field names.
• Commands are in constant-width bold type.
change-switch-time-zone and press Enter.
• Command variables are in bold italic type when they are part of what you must type, and in plain
italic type when they are not part of what you must type.
ch ma machine_name, where machine_name is the name of the call delivery machine.