Making calls with ease
Use call list
Symbols in the call list
Examples of an entry in the call list:
• Overlong entries will not fit in their entirety in the display. You can view the com-
plete call list entry with the left and right arrows.
• You can accept a call list entry (
p. 50) into the directory.
! 06975056666 12.06. 17:13 2*
i-Liszt 11.06. 08:21
0691234567 11.06. 06:31
Bach 7505606 11.06. 07.55
! New entry which has not yet been
Entry which has already been
Call that you have had with an
external caller
06975056666 Phone number of caller
Clark Caller’s name
i- Symbol for new internal number
11.06. 06:31 Day and time of last call
2* The caller called twice
Caller and the number they called
i-Wagner 14 In the case of a call diversion to
your telephone: Caller and the
number of the telephone which
has diverted