Chapter 1
Thanks for purchasing DarkCrystal HD Capture Pro/AVerTV HD DVR(USA). This
high quality capture card is especially designed for professional players with high
standards towards image/ video quality.
DarkCrystal HD Capture Pro/AVerTV HD DVR(USA) also comes with a powerful
application AVer MediaCenter 3D, allowing you to capture high resolution images,
record HD video clips, create your own slideshows with both the captured and
images of other sources, and even create your own music library for both audio and
video luxury.
Each function of AVer MediaCenter 3D goes further with detailed options for a more
professional taste. There is no more need to compromise yourself with all fixed
default settings using a capture card.
This Chapter will guide you through the essential information of AVer MediaCenter
3D. Please read this chapter before using AVer MediaCenter 3D.
Device Introduction ................................................................................................ 6
System Requirement .............................................................................................. 7
Activating AVer MediaCenter 3D ............................................................................ 7
Overview of AVer MediaCenter 3D ......................................................................... 8
Running AVer MediaCenter 3D for the First
Time ... 11