Touch the Priority and Sound tab.
6. Set the Priority if multiple events try to control the LED at the
same time. A higher or equal number interrupts a lower number.
Use 0 for most applications, unless you need to override the
system events (error, low battery, etc.). The range is 0 – 254.
The default is 0.
7. Use Browse to select the Audio File tone (.wav file) for a Good
Scan. This tone is heard whenever a bar code is successfully
scanned. Navigate to the .WAV file you need.
8. Touch OK in the upper-right corner.
9. Touch Play to hear the tone.
10. Touch OK.
11. Select the next Event to add sound. Repeat steps 2-10 for each
Enabling Specific Bar Codes
You must enable and disable each specific bar code type for scanning. Some bar codes require
additional settings. Some bar codes can be printed, but not scanned. See “Printable Bar Codes
vs. Scannable Bar Codes” for more information.
Configuring UPC/EAN Bar Codes
1. To configure UPC/EAN settings, select UPC/EAN from the
Scanner Configuration window.
2. Enable each bar code you need to scan.
Allows the scanner to scan UPCA, UPCA+2, and
UPCA+5 bar codes.
Allows the scanner to scan UPCE bar codes.
Allows the scanner to scan UPCE1 bar codes.
Allows the scanner to scan EAN8 bar codes.
Allows the scanner to scan EAN13 bar codes.
3. For each bar code, decide if you want to tell the scanner to return
the check digit with the data when the bar code is scanned.
Check the Transmit CD box as necessary.
4. For each bar code, set the Preamble, which specifies the
characters that preface the returned data from a UPCA bar code.
The choices are
None (No Data)
SYSCHAR (System Character)
SYSCOUNT (Country Code and System Character).
Note: The USA country code is 0.
7-4 System Administrator’s Guide