Baracoda DualRunners – User Guide v1.7 - 19 -
Data Capture
for Workforce
in Motion
Once connected, the scanner will wait for the appropriate command in order to start uploading the datas: this
command can come from:
• The BaracodaManager software: The user has to click on the button “Upload”.
• A configuration scan barcode: the user has to read the appropriate configuration barcode.
Be aware that with BaracodaManager (v3.36 min), two (2) different ways to upload datas are possible:
• To an application window: In this case always double check before starting the upload
procedure that the cursor in your text window is active. Otherwise you will loose all the data
saved into your scanner.
• To a .txt file (default option). The BaracodaManager software gives you the possibility to
modify the name of the file in which you may want to save the data.
The scanner can be configured to automatically reconnect with the BaracodaManager software.
Another connectivity parameters exists: Master mode (the scanner will create the connection to the Host), but
only available in Both or Barcode modes.
7.5 The different Data Capture modes
The DualRunners is a contact RFID Reader/Encoder HF 13,56Mhz and Barcode scanner, so 2 solutions in
the same product.
There are three (3) different ways to use the DualRunners:
- BOTH mode (by default)
In this mode, the RFID and Barcode modes are enabled. So you can scan barcode and read RFID Tag.
- RFID mode
In this mode, the RFID mode is enabled and the Barcode mode is disabled. So you read RFID Tag, but
not scan barcode.
Note: in this mode, the MASTER mode option is not available.
- BARCODE mode
In this mode, the Barcode mode is enabled and the RFID mode is disabled. So you scan barcode, but
not read RFID Tag.
The configuration of these Data Capture modes can be done:
o Via BaracodaManager software (v3.36 min).
o Via scan of barcodes (not if the RFID mode is only enabled).
All usage modes (Real Time, No Data Loss, Batch) are obviously available.