PresentationPRO-II • User’s Guide 23
3. Hardware Installation
Cable and Adapter Information
• Rack mount each PresentationPRO-II chassis from the front rack ears using four
rack screws (not supplied). Rack threads may be metric or otherwise —
depending upon the rack type.
• Install the lower of the two mounting holes first.
The table below provides information regarding cables and adapters:
Table 3-1. PresentationPRO-II System Cables and Adapters
Cable Description Note
Input Connections
HD-15 to 5xBNC Breakout Cable Analog input connectors (via breakout) 4 Cables Supplied
HD-15 to HD-15 Analog input connections (direct) Customer Supplied
DVI to DVI Digital background/DSK connection (direct) Customer Supplied
Belden 1694A (recommended) SD-SDI or HD-SDI input connection Customer Supplied
Belden RG-59 (recommended) Analog connections (via breakout) Customer Supplied
Output Connections
HD-15 to HD-15 Analog Program output (direct) Customer Supplied
DVI to DVI Digital Program output (direct) Customer Supplied
Remote Connections
Ethernet Hub or Switch For use with external controller Customer Supplied
RJ-45 Ethernet Cable For use with external controller Customer Supplied
Power Connections
AC Power Cord AC Power, 7 foot, 10A 1 Cord Supplied