
+ The master clip LEDs (+22 dBu) should never be allowed to illuminate. If they do, reduce either
the MAIN MIX fader or the group(s) and/or channel fader(s), or (as a last resort) the channel
input gain(s). Maybe its time to do a round of PFL metering.
+ In Solo/PFL mode a 0 dB meter reading matches an internal operating level of 0 dBu (0.775 V).
However, when looking at the mix, 0 dB is referenced to +4 dBu, the 2-track operating level.
I.e. if only one signal is present in the main mix bus, soloing that signal will cause the meter
reading to increase by +4 dB.
2.3 Power Supply Unit (PSU)
Any amplifier circuit is limited in its transient response by the available current. In common with most desks of
this size, the EURODESK has several hundreds of line level operational amplifiers (op-amps) inside. When
being driven hard, many desks begin to show signs of stress due to power supply limitations. Not so with the
EURODESK. Due to the vast power resources of its external power supply unit, the sound should stay clean
and crisp and tight right up to the operating limits of the op-amps themselves.
The EURODESK remote PSU connects to the desk at the rear of the console via a multiway connector. Give
an extra 1/2 U of rack space to allow air to circulate around the heatsinks employed for heat dissipation. The
EURODESK PSU chucks out a massive 100 Watts.
Please note:
On the rear of your PSU you will find the mains connector / fuse holder / voltage selector. Before you connect
the unit, please make sure that the displayed voltage corresponds to your mains supply.
If you intend to change the operating voltage, remove the fuse holder and twist it by 180 degrees before you re-
insert it. Matching the two markers indicates the selected voltage.
Note that the correct fuse type and rate must be installed corresponding to the mains voltage.
Connect the PSU to the mains power supply by the enclosed mains cable, then use the mains switch to power
up your power supply unit and EURODESK.
+ Never connect or disconnect your EURODESK and power supply unit when the power supply
unit is on! Always start connecting your MX3282A to the PSU, check if the PSU is turned
off, plug into mains and then power up the PSU and thereby your EURODESK.
Each channel comes with a balanced line input on 1/4" TRS jack, and an XLR mic input. Press the
PHANTOM switch at the back panel if required. The mic amp circuit has an unusually wide gain range
from 10 dB to 60 dB, is of extreme low-noise design, and utilizes high-current conjugate pair vintage transistor
circuitry to deliver an incredibly warm and transparent sound.
When a jack is plugged into the balanced (self-unbalancing) line input, the gain structure is such that it can
match any line level from +10 to -40 dBu. The crucial operating levels +4 dBu and -10 dBV are clearly and
accurately legended ( ).
3.1 Input Level Setting
Channel input level is determined by the GAIN trimpot . Use SOLO/PFL to accurately monitor the
channel input on the left/right master output bargraph meters. This also sends the Solo/PFL-ed signal to the
left and right speakers. Channel SOLO has an associated LED .
+ For level-setting (as opposed to localized listening) choose to use the Mono PFL bus rather
than the post-fader (post-channel pan) stereo solo bus (CHANNEL MODE switch not
depressed). SOLO/PFL never interrupts the mix at the main recording outputs. It follows that
aux sends and subgroups must also be unaffected, since they contribute directly to the main