Measure Match
y Press the MENU key.
y Press the SWEPT FREQ key.
y Press the TRACE key.
y Press the RECALL TRACE key.
y Press the REG-n key for the desired trace, press the
MORE RECALL key to access 5-8 and again to access
9-12. If needed, use the ESC key to back up. The saved
trace will be displayed and the corresponding register
number will be shown at the bottom of the display.
NOTE: The arrow keys can be used to move the cursor,
and the corresponding measurement and frequency at
the cursor will be displayed. Remember the up arrow
key will move the cursor to the highest value on the
trace and the down arrow key will move it to the lowest.
y Press the RETURN key to return to register selection.
y Press the ESC key to return to trace menu.
Clearing a Trace
When a trace is no longer needed or you need to clear
registers for space, follow the steps below.
y Press the MENU key.
y Press the SWEPT FREQ key.
y Press the TRACE key.
y Press the CLEAR TRACE key.
y Press the REG-n key for the desired trace, press the
MORE CLEAR key to access 5-8 and again to access 9-
12. If needed, use the ESC key to back up. The word full
will be replaced by empty at the selected register.
y Press the ESC key to return to the trace menu.
Limit Testing
Limit testing is a quick pass-fail test using operator defined
limits or a stored trace as a minimum for acceptability. Pass