Checking running gear
Measuring track offset
Mount motorcycle on centre stand on even base.
Position track offset gauge (1),
BMWNo.363920, on left or right side of motor-
L Note:
In order to measure with the track offset gauge from
the left or right side, the supports need only be
screwed in from the other side.
Adjust supports (2) so that the measuring level is
as near as possible to the centre of the wheel. It
must be possible to smoothly slide the gauge to-
wards the motorcycle.
Adjust limit stops (arrows) so that they only rest
on the rim and not on the tyre.
Attach hook (3) to wheel spoke and firmly pull
gauge up to the wheel.
Align front wheel parallel with respect to the
Measure distance with depth gauge or straight
edge from outer edge of gauge to rim and note
down measurement.
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