
Bosch Security Systems | 2011-02
Praesideo 3.5 | Installation and User Instructions | 11 | Optional Software en | 462
3 Clients tab - Shows the status of the connections
from the PC Call Station Clients to the PC Call Server,
including login name or user of the clients, the host
name or IP address of the work station from which
the client connects, the connection status and the
date/time at which the client connected and (if
applicable) disconnected.
59.5.2 Menu bar
The menu bar contains the following menus:
•The File menu (see section 59.5.3).
•The Edit menu (see section 59.5.4).
•The Help menu (see section 59.5.5).
59.5.3 File
The items in the File menu are used to make and save
configuration files. It contains the following items:
Creates a new configuration file.
Opens an existing configuration file.
Make active
Activates the current configuration file.
Saves the current configuration file.
Save as...
Saves the current configuration file with another
Closes the application. Workflow
To configure the PC Call Server with the PC Call Server
Configuration Client:
1 Create a new configuration file or open an existing
2 Execute all Edit menu items in the order in which
they appear in the Edit menu. The order reflects the
configuration workflow.
3 Save the configuration file (File > Save).
4 Make the configuration file active (File > Make active).
59.5.4 Edit
The items in the Edit menu are used to configure the
PC Call Server. It contains the items that must be
configured. Configure Network Controllers…
This item configures the network connections between
the PC Call Server and the different network
controllers. This option is not available when working
figure 59.2: Connections tab
figure 59.3: Clients tab
figure 59.4: Edit menu