MegaPixel IP CamerasSoftware | en 29
Bosch Security Systems User Manual F.01U.064.422 | V 1.0 | 2007.03
mitting the images to the computer. Thus, the in-camera
motion detection significantly reduces both the CPU load
and the network load when motion detection is enabled.
– Motion detection is enabled via the Archive settings when
one of the two following options is selected: "Save all and
mark motion" or "Save only motion." If the Archive is
enabled for "Save all frames", motion detection is disabled.
The Enabled/Disabled status is displayed in the bottom
right corner of the Motion Settings window.
– Motion detection is computed independently in multiple
detection zones on a square grid. The largest grid sup-
ported for any Bosch camera model and image size is 8 by
8. The actual grid for any particular model is determined by
the chosen zone size (a drop-down list in the lower right
corner of the Motion Settings screen) and the camera's
pixel resolution. The actual grid is displayed in the lower
left corner. When motion is present, the Motion Settings
window displays green marks (selectable between crosses
and boxes) in the zones affected.
– Motion detection can be masked to block motion detection
in some of the zones by drawing a rectangle with the
mouse (by left-clicking and holding down the mouse but-
ton). The masked areas are marked with red crosses. A
more complex shape can be created by drawing multiple
rectangles. Erasing the mask (or part of the mask) is done
by drawing a rectangle with the right mouse button.