
110 en | Advanced Mode Dinion2X IP Camera
AR18-10-B006 | v1.1 | 2010.06 Installation and Operation Manual Bosch Security Systems
correctly . For eample, the file snap011005_114530.jpg
was stored on October 1, 2005 at 11.45 and 30 seconds.
Posting interval
Enter the interval in seconds at which the images are sent to an
FTP server. Enter zero for no images to be sent.
FTP server IP address
Enter the IP address of the FTP server on which to save the
JPEG images.
FTP server login
Enter your login name for the FTP server.
FTP server password
Enter the password that gives access to the FTP server.
Path on FTP server
Enter an exact path to post the images on the FTP server.
9.10.5 Encryption
If an encryption license is installed, this submenu gives access
to the encryption parameters.