
Shoulder Exercises
Muscles worked: This exercise emphasizes the
rear portion of the rotator cuff (infraspinatus and
teres minor muscles). This area generally gets
very weak as we age and needs to be addressed
by almost everyone.
Pulley position: Wide or narrow.
Starting position:
• Sit on the bench with one side toward the Power
. Maintain good spinal alignment.
• Using the arm farthest from the rods, reach
across your body, grasp the handle nearest you
and draw that arm back into your side, keeping
your elbow bent.
• Allow your forearm to rest against your abdomen
and your elbow against your side, taking out
some of the slack or tension in the cables.
• Rotate your forearm away from your abdomen
and out to the side, keeping your elbow/upper
arm by your side during the entire motion.
• Slowly return to the starting position.
Key points:
• Control the motion during the entire exercise.
• Do not rotate the spine to get additional range
of motion. Try for "pure" external rotation of the
shoulder joint. More is not better!
• Use light resistance only. Pick a resistance that
allows you to perform 12 — 15 reps.
Shoulder Rotator Cuff External Rotation
Muscles worked: This exercise emphasizes your
upper back (the latissimus dorsi, teres major and
rear deltoid muscles), as well as the muscles
between your shoulder blades (middle trapezius
and rhomboid muscles). The triceps muscles,
located on the back of the upper arms, are worked
throughout the entire motion as they try to prevent
the elbows from bending.
Pulley position: Narrow only.
Starting position:
• With the bench flat, sit facing the Power Rods
knees bent, and feet flat on the floor.
• Grasp the handles with your palms facing down
and back.
• Slide back to create tension at the start of the
• Tighten your trunk muscles to stabilize your spine
while maintaining a very slight arch in the lower
• Simultaneously "pinch" your shoulder blades
together and moving your hands in an arc
downward and backward below your hips.
• Slowly return to the starting position allowing
your shoulder blades to move forward with your
Optional motions:
• Bilateral movement — both arms extending at
the same time.
• Unilateral movement — performing all reps with
one arm before moving to the next.
• Alternating — performing one rep on one side
and then the next rep on the other side.
• Simultaneously alternating — both arms moving,
although in opposite directions (one extending
while the other is returning).
Key points:
• Do not slouch — keep chest lifted and spine
• Keep the lats tightened throughout the entire
Shoulder Extension Elbows Stabilized