Shoulder Exercises
Seated Shoulder Press — Shoulder Adduction (and elbow extension)
• Sit on the bench facing away
from the engine.
• Keep your chest up, abs tight
and maintain a slight arch in
lower back.
• Grasp Hand Grips, palms
facing out.
• Raise the Hand Grips to head
level so your elbows are equal
to shoulder level. Keep your
palms facing forward.
• Straighten your arms slowly
over your head, focusing on
moving your elbows up and
inward toward your ears.
• Slowly return to the Start
position, keeping tension in
your front shoulder muscles.
Muscles worked:
Front Deltoids; Upper Trapezius; Triceps
Bench Position:
Flat Bench Back
Long Hand Grips
Adjustable Arm Position:
7. 8
Success Tips
• Keep knees bent and feet on floor.
• Do not increase the arch in your lower
back as you raise your arms, but keep
your spine steady and tight.
• Keep abdominals tight and maintain
good spinal alignment.
Remove the long bench pad and slide
the seat toward the engine. Attach the
Leg Press Seat Back to the sliding seat,
facing away from the engine. (Refer to
instructions for attaching the Leg Press
Seat Back accessory.) Sit on the seat,
and lean against the seat back for added
Front Shoulder Raise — Shoulder Flexion (elbow stabilized)
• Sit on the bench, facing away
from the engine.
• Keep your chest up, abs tight
and maintain a slight arch in
lower back.
• Grasp the Hand Grips, palms
facing back, arms straight at
your sides.
• Keeping your arms straight,
move them forward, leading
with your forearms, until arms
are extended in front of you
at shoulder height.
• Arms may be moved
alternately or together.
• Slowly return to the Start
position next to the torso.
Muscles worked:
Front and Middle Deltoids
Bench Position:
Flat Bench Back
Long Hand Grips
Adjustable Arm Position:
8 or 9
Success Tips
• Keep abdominals tight and maintain
good spinal alignment.
• Keep knees bent and feet on floor.
• Do not increase the arch in your
lower back as you raise your arms,
but keep your spine steady and tight.