
Automatic Operation Sequence
The generator’s control panel houses a logic control circuit
board. This control board constantly monitors utility power
source voltage. Should that voltage drop below a preset level,
control board action will signal the engine to crank and start.
When utility source voltage is restored above a preset
voltage level, the engine is signaled to shut down.
The actual system operation is not adjustable and is sequenced
by sensors and timers on the control board, as follows:
Utility Voltage Dropout Sensor
• This sensor monitors utility source voltage.
• If utility source voltage drops below about 70 percent
of the nominal supply voltage, the sensor energizes a
10 second timer. The timer is used to ‘sense’ brown-outs.
• Once the timer has expired, the engine will crank and
Utility Voltage Pickup Sensor
This sensor monitors utility power supply voltage. When that
voltage is restored above 80 percent of the nominal source
voltage, a time delay starts timing and the engine will go to
engine cool-down.
Engine Cool-down Timer
• When the load is transferred back to the utility power
source, the engine cool-down timer starts timing.
• The timer will run for about one minute, then the
generator will stop.
• Minimum engine run time is 5 minutes.
Automatic Operation
To select automatic operation, do the following:
1. Set the main distribution panel circuit breaker that
sends utility voltage to the transfer switch to ON.
2. Set the generator’s main circuit breaker to its ON
3. Set the system switch to AUTO.
With the system switch set to AUTO, the engine
may crank and start at any time without warning.
Such automatic starting normally occurs when
utility source voltage drops below a preset level
or during the normal exercise cycle.
To prevent possible injury that may be caused by such
sudden starts, always set the system switch to OFF.
Remove the 15 Amp fuse before working on or around
the generator or transfer switch.
Checking Automatic Operation
To check the system for proper automatic operation, proceed
as follows:
1. Turn OFF the main distribution panel circuit breaker
sending power to the automatic transfer switch.
The engine will crank and start when the utility voltage drops
out and the sensor has timed out. Let the system go through
its entire automatic operation sequence.
2. With the generator output supplying its loads, turn ON
the main distribution panel circuit breaker that supplies
utility power to the automatic transfer switch.
3. The automatic transfer switch will transfer loads back
to the utility power after 5 minute minimum run time
and utility is restored.
4. The generator will run for an additional one minute for
engine cool down, then shut down.
NOTE: If utility is restored and generator does not shut down
after 10 minutes, set system switch to OFF and contact your
installer or local service center.
This completes the test procedures for automatic operation.
The home generator will now start automatically when utility
power is lost and will supply power to the transfer switch.