discard the foam inserts found under the cover.
This child seat is certified for aircraft use. Most airlines
in the US and Canada will allow use of a child seat if it is
labeled as an approved child seat for airline use and fits
properly on plane. Contact the airline about their policy
prior to traveling.
The FAA recommends that a child weighing up to 40 pounds (18.1 •
kg) use a certified, harnessed child seat while
traveling on an aircraft.
Install your child seat in a window seat to •
avoid blocking the aisle.
If the aircraft lap belt is too short, ask the flight •
attendant for a belt extender.
Rear-Facing Installation
For rear-facing aircraft installation (Fig. A), follow
Rear-Facing Lap-Belt Installation instructions on
pages 20 - 21.
Forward-Facing Installation
For forward-facing aircraft installation (Fig.
B), follow Forward-Facing Lap-Belt Installation
Installation: Aircraft Installation: Versa-Tether
Safety Information
When using the child seat in forward-facing mode, attach the •
Versa-Tether only to tether anchors identified by the vehicle
manufacturer as tether anchorage points. Use of other locations
is not approved or permitted.
DO NOT• modify the vehicle without advice from the vehicle
manufacturer if a tether anchorage is not available.
Britax recommends that the tether be used at all times. Using the •
tether will improve the stability of the child seat and reduce the risk
of injury.
If your vehicle does not currently have a tether anchor attachment, refer •
to your vehicle owner’s manual or contact the vehicle manufacturer
for assistance.