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Lap-Shoulder Belt – Selecting a Belt Path
Due to variability in vehicle seat designs and belt systems, the
Frontier 85 SICT child seat can be secured to the vehicle seat by
a lap-shoulder belt with either a short belt path or a long belt path
installation method.
The following may help with selecting which belt path to try first:
WARNING! Do not use the long belt path for LATCH or lap
belt installations.
Outside edge
of child seat
Buckle stalk behind
child seat
The buckle stalk is in position for
short belt path installation
A Rotate the positioning block to the front and place the child
seat on the vehicle seat in the chosen seating position. Note the
position of the vehicle buckle stalk relative to the child seat. If the
buckle stalk is behind the child seat (i.e. the child seat is wider
than the insertion points of the vehicle belt system), then the short
belt path may be the best option to try first.
Outside edge
of child seat
Buckle stalk beside
child seat
The buckle stalk is in position for
long belt path installation
B If the buckle stalk is to the side of the child seat (i.e. the child seat
is narrower than the insertion points of the vehicle belt system),
then the long belt path may be the best option to try first.
If one installation method results in more than 1 in. (2.5 cm) of
front-to-back or side-to-side movement at the belt path, then try the
other method.
Before you begin:
9 Check that your vehicle has a seat belt that can be locked.
* Check your vehicle owner’s manual to determine what type
of vehicle belt you have and how it can be locked for use with
child seats. If your vehicle belt does not lock, a locking clip must
be used. Call Britax Consumer Services at 1(888)427-4829 to
obtain a locking clip.
9 Check that your vehicle has a top tether anchor?
* Britax recommends that the Versa-Tether is used at all times.
Using the tether will improve the stability of the child seat and
reduce the risk of injury. Check your vehicle owner’s manual for
tether anchor locations.
9 Remove the Versa-Tether
hook from the storage clip and
place it over the child seat back to keep it from becoming
pinned between the child seat and vehicle seat during
Both the short and long lap-shoulder belt path installation methods
meet or exceed all Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Either
of these options can be used based upon vehicle compatibility for
children at least 2 years old and 25 lbs (11.3 kg) up to 85 lbs (38.6
kg) in harness mode.
Lap-Shoulder Belt – Short Path
(Top Tether)
Short lap-shoulder belt path installation
Installing the Child Seat: Harness Mode Installing the Child Seat: Harness Mode