Verify all connections are secure and that restraint is
stable. The restraint is secure when it cannot be moved
front-to-back or side-to-side more than 1” (2.5 cm.)
at belt path. If the restraint is not secure, repeat
procedure or use an alternate seating location.
Britax recommends use of the Versa-Tether® to improve
installation. See pages 23-26.
The back angle of the child restraint should be 30º-45º
from vertical (not to exceed 45º from vertical) when car
is parked on a level surface (fig. F).
The proper recline angle can be achieved by placing a
rolled towel or pool noodle in crease of vehicle seat to
help level child restraint’s base.
If there is a problem stabilizing restraint, tighten tether as
described on page 24 using anchor point 3.
Installation: Rear Facing
Do not raise restraint off front edge of
vehicle seat. Doing so will reduce protection for your child
and may damage recline adjustment.
Disconnect the Versa-Tether from tether anchor if
attached. While pushing the restraint firmly into the
vehicle seat, release the lock-off and vehicle belt.