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Using the Restraint
Using the Restraint
Adjusting Width of Head Pad
If your head pad features optional width
adjustment, use the following steps to
adjust the head pad.
TToo ddeeccrreeaassee wwiiddtthh::
Squeeze top center of head pad to inflate
sides to desired width (Fig A).
TToo iinnccrreeaassee wwiiddtthh::
Press release valve, indicated with label on
head pad, to deflate head pad to desired
Chest Clip
SSeeccuurriinngg tthhee CChheesstt CClliipp
Secure the chest clip by sliding the harness
into the slot on the right side of the chest
clip (Fig B).
IMPORTANT: The correct height for the
chest clip is at the center of the chest,
level with the armpits (Fig. C).
RReelleeaassiinngg tthhee CChheesstt CClliipp
Release the chest clip by sliding the harness out
of the slot on the right side of the chest clip.
Recline Adjustment
To adjust recline, turn knob on front of
base until desired angle is achieved (Fig. D).
• When correctly reclined, the red line on base
will be level with the ground.
• If there is a problem stabilizing the base,
place a rolled towel in the crease of the
vehicle seat to help level the base.
WARNING: Only raise base as described
above. Do not raise the base off of the
front edge of vehicle seat; doing so will
reduce the protection for your child.
Attaching Restraint to Base
To install, align restraint rear facing with
slots in base, then push down until it clicks
into base (Fig. E).
• Pull up from child restraint handle to be sure
it is properly secured.
WARNING: Never attach restraint to base
unless the base is secured in a vehicle as
described on pages 20-25.
Removing Restraint from Base
To remove child restraint from base,
squeeze release handle on the rear of the
restraint, while lifting restraint by handle
(Fig. F).
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