How to use P-touch Editor Lite
4 Menu bar
Menu Function
P-touch Editor Lite About P-touch Editor Lite Displays the version information of the
Preferences… Configures the environment settings.
Hide P-touch Editor Lite Hides the application.
Hide Others Hides other applications.
Show All Displays all of the applications that are currently
Quit P-touch Editor Lite Quits the application.
File New Displays a new layout window (if there is no
existing data in the Label View, the display will be
Open… Displays the dialog for opening a file.
Close Closes the active file.
Save Saves the active file.
Save As Displays the dialog for saving the file with a new
file name.
Print… Displays the printing dialog.
Edit Undo Undoes the last operation.
Redo Redoes the last undone operation.
Cut Cuts the selected area and moves it to the
Copy Copies the selected area and moves it to the
Paste Pastes the item from the Clipboard.
Clear Deletes the selected area.
Select All Selects all of the objects.
Format Direction Horizontal Text Sets the direction of the text in the selected
object to horizontal.
Vertical Text Sets the direction of the text in the selected
object to vertical.
Numbering Sets/cancels numbering for the selected text.