Problem What to Do
1. The display stays blank after you
have turned on the machine.
● Check the polarity of the batteries.
● If the batteries are low, replace
● Check that the adaptor is working
2. The machine does not print, or the
printed characters are blurred.
● Check that the tape cassette has
been inserted properly.
● If the tape cassette is empty, re-
place it with a new one.
● Check that the character size is
appropriate for the width of the
tape that is used.
3. The printed characters are not
formed properly.
● The batteries are probably weak.
Replace them.
4. The tape cannot be cut. ● The cutting blade is probably dull.
Replace the cutter unit.
5. Striped tape appears. ● You have reached the end of the
tape. Replace it with a new tape.
6. The memory has cleared on its
● The batteries are probably weak.
Replace them.
7. An unprinted line appears on a
● There may be some dust on the
print head. Wipe the print head
gently with a dry cotton swab.
● If dust still remains, dip the cotton
swab in isopropyl (rubbing) alco-
hol and wipe the print head again.